First you need to prepare all the ingredients -
egg, cabbage, meat slices(pork,beef), milk, Otafuku sauce , Sakura ebi(little shrimp), Benishouga(pickled ginger),katsuoko(fish powder),Aosa(seaweed powder),Tenkasu(brown)
Then you pour the Katsuoko into a bowl approximately 50g. 52g is still ok.
Then you need 30cc of milk and 30cc of water, and an egg, mix it well together onto the bowl of Katsuoko powder.
After that, pour together the cabbage that you have cut onto the mixing you did earlier. Then, put all ingredients together then mix them again. Meanwhile, you can start heating the pan. First you start cooking the meat slice. Put 3 slices. Cook till both sides are in light-brown.Then pour all the mixture onto the pan.
When it is cooked, bring it to a plate, and start to pour the Otafu
ku sauce, Mayo, Aosa.
When its all done, bring it to the table, switch on your TV, and enjoy it.hhmmmmm.....Oishii!!!!
dang!! that looks to scrumptious!! bila gik aku mok rasa ya seph?
i want!!!!!!!!!!
wen u gonna do me one???? >.<
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